The Importance of Tree Services for Maintenance and Care
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The Importance of Tree Services for Maintenance and Care

There are many reasons why people choose to plant trees on their property, which include to improve the appearance of the landscape and to provide shade. It's often necessary for homeowners to contact a tree service to trim their trees, care for diseased trees and to remove trees. We aren't affiliated with tree service professionals but we think homeowners should understand the importance of tree specialists and why their services are needed. We researched tree care and talked to professionals in the tree service industry to obtain the information we needed for this blog. As you read these articles, you'll learn when it's necessary to contact a tree service to maintain and care for your trees.


The Importance of Tree Services for Maintenance and Care

Should You Remove A Leaning Tree?

Lynn Lee

A leaning tree on your property is not always cause for alarm, but in some instances it can pose a dangerous fall hazard. Knowing when to be concerned is important so you can have the tree taken care of if there is a problem.

When Did the Lean Develop?

A lean that has been developing slowly over the course of the tree's life is of much less concern than a sudden lean. Slow forming leans are most often the result of sun exposure. In other words, the tree trunk began growing at an angle in order to gain better access to sunlight. Since the lean happened slowly over time, the roots have likely also grown in a manner to support the off center weight, which helps minimize the chances of it falling down.

Did Trauma Cause the Lean?

If some sort of trauma lead to the lean, then the tree needs to be assessed to see if it can be saved or if removal is the safer option. Storm damage, overly saturated soils, and lightning strikes are some of the most common causes for a lean. Construction near the tree that resulted in root damage may also cause a tree to lean.

Is the Ground Disturbed Around the Tree Base?

The soil around the base of your tree can help predict if your tree is in imminent danger of falling. If the soil looks disturbed or churned up, or if the soil over the root ball seems to be lifted higher than the surrounding soil, then root damage has likely occurred. Damaged roots can't anchor a full grown tree very well, so removal may very well be the best option.  Once you start to see soil disturbance, the danger of a fall is severe and a tree removal service should be contacted immediately.

Are There Any Disease Symptoms?

Any tree that is leaning, including those that have been leaning benignly for years, becomes a fall danger once the roots fail. Root rot is the most common reason for the roots to fail. Signs of root rot include mushroom or fungus growth on the trunk near the base or the soil covering the roots, as well as yellowing foliage and branch die back. It doesn't take much for a tree to fall once the roots rot, so act quickly to have the tree removed if you suspect that this is an issue.

Contact a tree removal service if you are concerned about a leaning tree on your property.
